Looking for new talents

The automotive Top Career fair which was dedicated to recruiting and finding like-minded employees took place in the event venue, Wagenhallen Stuttgart, on the 11th of May 2023. There were more than 50 exhibitors, AKA companies that offered an opportunity for students and job seekers to become members of their global teams. Companies such as MAHLE, Daimler, Volvo Car Germany and others were looking for potential coworkers to build the future of cars and engineering together.

As you entered the building, you saw numerous boards displaying over 100 professional positions. These boards featured a range of jobs across various fields of practice. With different mottos, such as Get the Future You Want and Take It or Leave It, several exhibitors welcomed individuals who were interested in collaborating to advance the field of engineering.

The forum started with an opening word of Prof. Dr. Stefan Reindl, the dean of Automotive and Mobility Business & Automotive and Mobility Management at the Nuertingen-Geislingen University (HfWU), who briefly greeted the exhibitors and visitors. The career fair continued then with presentations on behalf of the companies participating in the event.

Find the dream job that is a perfect fit for you!

The primary platform of the forum was held from 10 to 14, with four workshops worth visiting. These workshops were intended to help you to find the dream job that is a perfect fit for you. Moreover, you could discover the secrets of an ideal interview and get helpful tips about what to say and how to behave during probably the most important moment in your career.

Although the job fair was mainly about automobiles and engineering, it seemed that not only engineers and IT specialists could find a job there. The exhibitors also provided newbies with information about possible employment and (or) internship opportunities in fields such as Social Media Management, Product Management or Customer Service. 

Eager to work among technicians although you are not a technician yourself? This fair could help you with it!

The organizers offered visitors small presents, including pens, cups, and even parking discs. You could also take a free photo for your CV in the stand organized by one of the exhibitors. The fair held in Stuttgart is just one of the many fairs located in the region. This kind of event is important for individuals who are still searching for their dream jobs, especially considering the high competition for well-paid Engineering- and IT-positions in the area.