Initiatives for innovation
Some of Baden-Württemberg’s recent innovation initiatives in a nutshell:
Cyber Valley
Cyber Valley is bringing together international key players from science and industry to concentrate their research activities in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Focus on machine learning, robotics, and computer vision, based in the Stuttgart-Tübingen area.
At the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology ((IQST) new technological approaches are generated from quantum physics. Aim is stimulating synergies between the fields of natural and engineering sciences to form a new discipline: “Quantum Science and Technology”.
Startup BW
Supporting start-up activities in all local and regional ecoystems of Baden-Württemberg. Besides organizing the flagship event Start-up Summit BW – the next one in June 2020 at Messe Stuttgart – the initiative is also an active in funding.
Strategiedialog Automobilwirtschaft
The initiative aims at discovering innovation potential beyond sector barriers. The high ranking participants of the strategy dialogue – see our report of 2018 – are representing Baden-Württemberg’s industrial policy, science, corporates, consumers and environmentalists.
Digitale Wirtschaft
This initiative which is fostering the digital transformation of Baden-Württemberg’s economy. At the flagship event „Digitalgipfel 2019 – Wirtschaft 4.0 BW“ international experts discussed the role of AI. The conference was followed by 1800 participants
e-mobil BW
e-mobil BW GmbH is a network of industry, universities and public institutions and acts as a driver in the industrialisation, market launch and application of sustainable, climate compatible and locally zero-emission mobility solutions.