SC Freiburg: connecting young talents to society through football
Time for companies to go outside of the office and on to the football pitch! Bundesliga team SC Freiburg show successful integration of talents from abroad.
Universität Furtwangen: “We may be small, but we have a lot to offer”
In the scenic black forest in Baden-Württemberg, we find a university with high tech IT-facilities and amazing career possibilities. Furtwangen University presents itself in a pitch.
Review: CODE_n hosts 2018 new.New Festival
The cross-industry innovation hub CODE_n hosted their new.New Festival revolving around “Intelligence X.0”. The large festival for start-ups and entrepreneurs from the 8th to the 10th of October 2018 took place in Stuttgart in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer Halle.
STARTUP AUTOBAHN: On the Autobahn to success
A mix of suits and bright coloured sneakers – that’s the charm of Startup Autobahn. Our impressions about the innovative platform at their Program 5 event hosted in the Arena2036 in Stuttgart
Moritz Gräter: “Innovation is lived internationally.”
Moritz Gräter, Managing Director of CODE_n, on how attractive Stuttgart is to international start-ups and presents his coming festival.
Poem: Foreign Laundry
A creative piece by Rohini Guttina from India, our new author, about her experience looking for a German laundry shop and finding new social connections.
Christmas Market: the most wonderful time of the year
Germany is famous for its traditional Christmas markets. Almost every medium-sized town has one, and some are open the whole of December, a time period called “Advent”.
Prof. Arnold van Zyl: “Our university is an ecosystem for innovation”
The Cooperative State University of Baden-Württemberg appeals to high school graduates, corporates and politicians worldwide. President Prof. van Zyl on hopes and misunderstandings considering the dual studies.
new.New Festival: CODE_n aims to explore the DNA of innovation
Code_n Managing Director Moritz Gräter on collaboration, co-creation and what becoming a partner of the new.New Festival means.
Dr. Walter Rogg: “International students are an enrichment”
Dr. Walter Rogg, Managing Director of the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS), on the perspectives for international professionals in the booming region.
Social Impact gGmbH: A home for social entrepreneurs
The social entrepreneurs have been represented for a time already in Baden-Württemberg and are continuously gaining importance. In Stuttgart, they have an active supporter for over 20 years now: the Social Impact gGmbH.
bw-i: Great perspectives in the German Southwest
Germany’s Southwest is one of the most innovative regions in Europe. Young professionals interested in a career here can now consult the website in their job search.