by Luca Wodtke | Aug 12, 2019 | In BaWü
Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut: “Competitiveness is not to be taken for granted” Interview: Hans Gäng | Edit: Luca Marie Wodtke Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Economics is leading business delegations to major global markets. After her visit to China...
by Luca Wodtke | Aug 2, 2019 | Education
VfB Akademie: A career beyond football Between red and white flags, surrounded by football fields: this is where you will find the ideal place to study. VfB Stuttgart Akademie – A deep forward pass for business talents. The idea for an own VfB Akademie was born...
by Luca Wodtke | Jul 31, 2019 | Corporates & Start-ups, In BaWü
Indo-MIM: “Complexity simplified” Interview by: Rohini Guttina Indo-MIM gives the metal powder its complex shape – to date they have exported more than 95% of its production, making it the world’s largest MIM company. This is a forming and very...
by Luca Wodtke | Jul 18, 2019 | Communities, In BaWü
The India Film Festival in the centre of Stuttgart is taking place for the 16th time. Selected movie makers, actors, and directors from the Asian sub-continent have the chance to show their film to an expected 5,000-6,000 visitors at the Metropol Cinema from the 17th...
by Luca Wodtke | Jul 17, 2019 | Communities, In BaWü
Forum der Kulturen was founded in 1998 by around 20 organizations involved with migrants and integration in Stuttgart. The Forum der Kulturen focuses its activities on the empowerment of migrant associations. Today, more than 130 migrant associations from Stuttgart...