Indo-MIM: “Complexity simplified”
When and where was Indo-MIM founded?
Mr. Krishna Chivukula is the founder and Chairman of Indo MIM. He is a Harvard Graduate and was the first to bring MIM concept to India. He established the MIM plant in Bangalore, the city which is widely referred to as the Silicon Valley of India and which is the capital of southern Indian state Karnataka. Indo MIM today houses 2 large MIM facilities in Bangalore making it the largest producer of MIM components in the world.
What does Indo-MIM do?
It is a leading global supplier of Metal Injection Molded parts. With more than 3,000 people working globally, we produce more than 250 million components for various sectors. We export more than 95% of these products to more than 40 countries across the world.
Why Germany, especially Stuttgart? How was the decision taken?
Germany and the wider Europe have been a very important market for consuming new technologies. We have been supplying parts to Germany and Europe much before we started the office in Stuttgart. Germany has always been recognised as the pioneers in automotive developments. Automotive sector is main sector of Indo MIM .We wanted to be close to the customers from the teething stage. That was the deciding factor to Germany. And the choice of Stuttgart was influenced by quite a few important reasons. Initially, It was known to be housing a number of automotive companies. BW-I (Baden Wuerttemberg International) played an enormous role in establishment of an office in the state.
Hence, all these got us to plan, pack and fly to Stuttgart. Just to be in the market rather than operating from another country.
Who is your clientele and why does Indo-MIM stand out amongst its competitors in Europe?
We serve clientele from various industries – Automotive, Medical, Industrial, Consumer, etc. We supply to the well-known tier 1 and tier 2 automotive companies besides customers in various other application areas.
Now, when it comes to why Indo – MIM and not others?
First of all we have a well integrated plant where, right from tooling to finishing process, everything is under one roof. This gives high degree of flexibility. Then our large capacity and superior capabilities helps our customers with faster development and quick ramp ups.
Indo-MIM is a one stop solution provider for complex steel parts. Where MIM,Investment Casting and Precision machining are offered at one place. This makes it easier for customers to manage their requirements. Finally, Indo MIM having global engineering and sales support offices worldwide helps give confidence to customers. These are few things that summarise the superiority of Indo MIM as compared to others in the market.
I believe, these seem to be the reasons, why we have the clientele opting for Indo – MIM here in Germany and in the larger Europe.
How do you define your working style?
Keeping in tune with the trend! With the ever-changing trend.